We'd like to thank our super sponsors for their support!

Why Support?
Super 7 is one of the top performing FTC robotics teams based in Central Florida. We are a community-supported team with middle and high school students from nine different schools. Since we are not a school-based team, we lack the funding and institutional support that most of the school-based teams receive. All of our support comes from generous donations from companies such as yours and friends, and families.
As a team that has qualified for the FTC World Championship last year, we fully understand what it takes to get there. Qualifying for the FTC World Championship requires lots of hard work, dedication, mentorship and the resources to get the right engineering materials and to pay the registration fees. New materials and the right parts are essential to to reach the FTC World Championship again because with the right parts, we can build a more effective robot that performs more effectively. We could not have achieved our success last year without the support from our generous sponsors. We are looking for your support again this year and we will work hard to proudly represent all our sponsors and our community.
How can you support?
Team Super 7 is graciously supported by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), which is a 501(c) (3) organization, therefore, your contributions to our team are tax-deductible as permitted by law.
Please make your contributions as follows: Check made in favor of: ASCE Please indicate, “For Team 7477, Super 7” in the notes Mailing Address: Team Super 7, Attn: Prasad Chittaluru 270 Lake Drive, Oviedo, Fl 32765